Monday 27 June 2011


good morning errbadeh :) it's gonna be 32C today - NOT looking forward to being burnt alive but at least it's not raining (again). for my own archiving, i wanna just say i saw caggie from made in chelsea 2 days ago in notting hill! wheeeeeeeee how sad am i?

Monday 20 June 2011

living my life like it's golden

isn't it scary how fast the year has gone by! but it feels great to have accomplished what i've set out to do and enjoying myself in the process.

waking up early + lying in bed + tea = HAPPY

Thursday 16 June 2011

un-happy feet

these past few weeks have been a blur. been running around folding, sewing, ironing, hemming, heavy-lifting, you name it! sad to say the ones suffering the most from my internship are my feet. my toes have made friends with bunions and don't even get me started on my poor cracked heels :(

solution: sea salt scrub

1 tablespoon olive oil
4 tablespoons sea salt
1 lemon
happy feet!

Sunday 12 June 2011

rain rain come again everyday

had the best weekend in a long time. baked a cake, tried out a new recipe, read a book, bought some flowers, spent an unhealthy amount of time with the tv and failed miserably at bowling.

life is good, great, excellent.

hope you're enjoying the summer as much as i am :)