Friday 1 January 2010

the end of the noughties

happy new year! :)

i don't believe in resolutions but i make 'em anyway! it leaves me feeling shit at the end of the year thinking about how many of them i've actually kept. but since i always make them, i've come this far and my life doesn't entirely suck haha (it could be worse!).

i won't share them with you cos i'm too shyshyhushhusheyetoeye. also, i may not keep all of them and then i can't use my annual i never made such a ridonkulous resolution act, cos now you know and he knows and so does she. and we can't have that now, can we?

my advice: break your resolutions into small steps. studies show that people with goals as resolutions have a lower success rate compared to those who broke down these goals into separate stages. okay lah doesn't take a genius to figure that out but i didn't realise it myself until someone gave me that piece of advice himself and i was a bit skeptical about it, till i read about it in theguardian and theguardian knows all so my friend must be pretty smart then haha.

i'm not gonna pretend and say this year is gonna be different. i don't know about you but i'm always like on-fire-ready-to-goooooo after new years and then completely pfft-later-lah. so i decided this year.. is gonna be the same as last year and the year before that and the year before that. i sound like such a scrooge.

my point is: this year, i'm taking the back seat, i'm going to follow my feet.

so happy new year from me to you.
adieu adieu auf wiedersehn goodnight!